MSc Human Nutrition Sciences

Registrations open until 1pm on 10th September 2024

MSc Human Nutrition Sciences taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025 (in Italian)

→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal (in Italian) –  Register here

Student contract for MSc Human Nutrition Sciences Programme (in Italian)

⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Human Nutrition Sciences – Rome Campus

A.Y. 2024/2025
Test results
EU CANDIDATES A.Y. 2024/2025
Test results
A.Y. 2023/2024
Test results
A.Y. 2023/2024
Test results of candidates
attending the penultimate year


Registrations closed on 21st June 2024

MSc Medicine and Surgery taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Medicine and Surgery – Rome Campus

Registrations closed on 17th May 2024

BSc Physiotherapy taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025 
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Physiotherapy

BSc Midwifery taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Midwifery 

BSc Nursing taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Nursing

BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

BSc Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques

Registrations closed on 2nd February 2024

MSc Medicine and Surgery taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Medicine and Surgery – Rome Campus

• MSc Medicine and Surgery taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
→ Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Medicine and Surgery – Venice Campus

• MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics – Rome Campus



Registrations closed on 14th June 2024

BSc Physiotherapy taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Physiotherapy

BSc Midwifery taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Midwifery

BSc Nursing taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Nursing

BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

BSc Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques

Registrations closed on 7th June 2024

MSc Medicine and Surgery taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Medicine and Surgery – Rome Campus

MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics – Rome Campus

Registrations closed on 14th March 2024

• MSc Medicine and Surgery taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Medicine and Surgery – Rome Campus

• MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for MSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics

• BSc Physiotherapy taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal 
→ Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Physiotherapy

• BSc Midwifery taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Midwifery

• BSc Nursing taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Nursing

• BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques taugth in Italian – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

• BSc Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques taugth in English – Call for applications A.Y. 2024/2025
→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal
→ Student contract for BSc Programmes
⇒ For more details, visit the BSc Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques


MSc in Medicine and Surgery (taught in English) – Rome Campus

NEW ⇒ Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 139 of 4th April 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here by entering your unique code and date of birth.

Those who are admitted on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with the enrollment registration from 16th July 2024 until 1 pm on 23rd July 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


BSc in Health Professions taught in English (Physiotherapy, Nursing, Radiology)

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 15th July 2024
Candidates in order to check their position in the ranking list have to access to the following link by entering the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
 Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure from 24th July 2024 until 1.00pm of 30th July 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Sliding of the ranking list of 7th June 2024 (closed)
Candidates in order to check their position in the ranking list have to access to the following link by entering the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 3.00pm of 11th June 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications –Rector’s Decree no. 88 of 7th March 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here by entering your unique code and date of birth.

Those who have accrued the right to pre-registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with pre-registration from 31st May 2024 until 1 pm on 7th June 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


BSc in Health Professions taught in Italian (Midwifery, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques)

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 15th July 2024
Candidates in order to check their position in the ranking list have to access to the following link by entering the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
 Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure from 24th July 2024 until 1.00pm of 30th July 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Sliding of the ranking list of 7th June 2024 (closed)
Candidates in order to check their position in the ranking list have to access to the following link by entering the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 3.00pm of 11th June 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications –Rector’s Decree no. 89 of 7th March 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here by entering your unique code and date of birth.

Those who have accrued the right to pre-registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with pre-registration from 31st May 2024 until 1 pm on 7th June 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


MSc in Medicine and Surgery (taught in Italian) – Venice Campus

⇒ Sliding of July 23rd, 2024
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 25th July 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of July 11th, 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure from 16th July 2024 until 1.00 pm of 23rd July 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of June 19th, 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of June 21st, 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of June 17, 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of June 19, 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 13 June, 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of June 17th, 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 11th June 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 13th June 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 7th June 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 11th June 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 5th June 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 7th June 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 3rd June 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 5th June 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 30th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of June 3rd 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 28th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 30th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

 Sliding of 24th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 28th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 22nd May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 24th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 20th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 22nd May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 16th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 20th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 14th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 16th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 10th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 14th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 8th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 10th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 6th May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 8th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 2nd May 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 6th May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 29th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 2nd May 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 24th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 29th April 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 22nd April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 24th April 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 18th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of April 22, 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 16th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of April 18, 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 12th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 16th April 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 10th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of April 12th, 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 8th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 10th April 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 4th April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 8th April 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 2nd April 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 4th April 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 28th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of 2nd April 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 26th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00 pm of  28th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 22nd March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 26th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 20th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 22nd March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 18th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 20th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of list of 14th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 18th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 12th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 14th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 8th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 12th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 6th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 8th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of 4th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 6th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 343 of 16th November 2023

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here by entering your unique code and date of birth.

Those who have accrued the right to pre-registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with pre-registration from 23rd February 2024 until 1 pm on 4th March 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (taught in Italian)

⇒ Sliding of 4th March 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 6th March 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 342 of 14th November 2023

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here by entering your unique code and date of birth.

Those who have accrued the right to pre-registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with pre-registration from 23rd February 2024 until 1 pm on 4th March 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


BSc in Health Professions

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 163 of 23rd April 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here and check your position using your unique code.

Those who have accrued the right to registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with registration from 24th July 2024 until 1 pm on 30th July 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


MSc in Medicine and Surgery (taught in English) – Rome Campus

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 161 of 24th April 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here and check your position using your unique code.

Those who have accrued the right to registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with registration from 16th July 2024 until 1 pm on 23rd July 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


BSc in Health Professions

⇒ Sliding of 19th April, 2024
Candidate in order to check his position has to access to the following link by finding the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online pre-enrolment procedure within 3.00 pm of April 23, 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 16 of 16th January 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here and check your position using your unique code.

Those who have accrued the right to pre-registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with pre-registration within 1 pm on 19th April 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


MSc in Medicine and Surgery (taught in English) – Rome Campus

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 14 of 16th January 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here and check your position using your unique code.

Those who have accrued the right to pre-registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with pre-registration within 1 pm on 19th April 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (taught in Italian) – Rome Campus

Publication of 2024-2025 academic year admission test results – Call for applications – Rector’s Decree no. 15 of 16th January 2024

In order to consult the ranking and results achieved following the admission tests, please click here and check your position using your unique code.

Those who have accrued the right to pre-registration, on the basis of the ranking achieved, must proceed with pre-registration within 1 pm on 12th April 2024 following the instructions outlined on the Admissions page.

Notice: for assistance on the unique code write to


Registrations closed on 1:00 PM on December 4, 2023 – lectures start on 18th December 2023 at IRCCS San Camillo Venezia-Lido.

• MSc Medicine and Surgery taugth in Italian (Venice Campus) – Call for applications A.Y. 2023/2024 – DM posti assegnati (in Italian)

→ Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal

→ Student contract for MSc Programmes


Registration closed on 1 pm of 19th September 2023


Registration closed on 1 pm of 2nd October 2023

Student contract for MSc Programmes

Student contract for BSc Programmes in the Health Professions


Registration closed on 1 pm of 8th May 2023

Student contract for BSc Programmes in the Health Professions


Registration closed on 5th May 2023

Six-year degree programmes student contract


Registration closed on 1st February 2023

Six-year degree programmes student contract



Registration closed on 15th November 2023

Guidelines for registering on the GOMP portal

→ Student contract for MSc Programmes


Registration closed on 8th September 2023

Registration closed on 7th June 2023

Six-year degree programmes student contract 

Student contract for BSc Programmes in the Health Professions


Registration closed on 6th February 2023

Six-year degree programmes student contract 


MSc in Medicine and Surgery (taught in Italian) – Venice Campus

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 6th February 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 8th February 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 26th January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 30th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 21st December 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 27th December 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 19th December 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 21st December 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 15th December 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 19th December 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

Registration procedure A.Y. 2023/2024 (admission test taken on 7th December 2023)
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage within 1 p.m. of 15th December 2023.


MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (taught in Italian)

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 12th January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 17th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 9th January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 12th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 4th January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 9th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 2nd January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 5th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 27th December 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 2nd January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 20th December 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 27th December 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 21st November 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 23rd November 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 15th November 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 20th November 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage.

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 10th November 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 15th November 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 25th October 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 30th October 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 20th October 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 25th October 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

Registration procedure A.Y. 2023/2024 (admission test taken on 9th October 2023)
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage from 16th October 2023 to 20th October 2023 within 1 p.m.


BSc Programmes in the Health Professions taught in English

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 22nd January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 25th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 17th January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 22nd January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 09th January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 12th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 04th January 2024 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 09th January 2024 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 04th december 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 07th december 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 25th October 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 30th October 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

⇒ Sliding of the ranking list of 20th October 2023 (closed)
Candidate in order to check his position in the ranking list has to access to the following link by putting the unique code for the admission test and his date of birth.
Candidates who are admitted have to proceed with the online enrolment procedure within 5.00pm of 25th October 2023 following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage

Registration procedure A.Y. 2023/2024 (admission test taken on 6th October 2023)
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage from 16th October 2023 to 20th October 2023 within 1 p.m.


Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery (taught in English)

Registration procedure A.Y. 2023/2024 (admission test taken on 9th October 2023)
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage from 16th October 2023 to 20th October 2023 within 1 p.m.


BSc Programmes in the Health Professions taught in Italian

Registration procedure A.Y. 2023/2024 (admission test taken on 6th October 2023)
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage from 16th October 2023 to 20th October 2023 within 1 p.m.


MSc Human Nutrition Sciences

Registration procedure A.Y. 2023/2024
Candidates admitted following the scrolling of the ranking list must proceed with enrollment as required by the Call for applications following the instructions provided in the Enrollment webpage



Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery (taught in English)

Ranking list published on 21st November 2023 – Call for applications A.Y. 2023/24 – Update Call RD 309/2023
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage within 1 p.m on 28th November 2023.

Ranking list published on 18th September 2023 – Call for applications A.Y. 2023/24
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage from 21st September 2023 to 27th September 2023 within 1 p.m.


Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (taught in Italian)

Ranking list published on 28th June 2023 – Call for applications A.Y. 2023/24
Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage from 6th July 2023 to 13th July 2023 within 1 p.m.


BSc Programmes in the Health Professions

Ranking list published on 18th September 2023 – Call for applications 2023/2024

Candidates admitted following of the ranking list are required to carry out the registration procedure by following the instructions provided in the Admission webpage from 21st September 2023 to 27th September 2023 within 1 p.m.

Results of candidates attending the penultimate year of secondary high school and who took the test on 11th and 18th May 2023

Nb: The scores of the two tests, held during the penultimate year of secondary high school, will be valid for the entry ranking list of the year in which the diploma is obtained, i.e. for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Results of candidates attending the penultimate year of secondary high school and who took the test on 4th and 11th February 2023


Nb: The scores of the two tests, held during the penultimate year of secondary high school, will be valid for the entry ranking list of the year in which the diploma is obtained, i.e. for the 2024-2025 academic year.


UniCamillus, in line with the guidelines from the Ministry of Education (already taken by many Italian Universities) regarding the use of fast and secure digital authentication and signature tools for acquiring student data, has made some improvements to the GOMP student portal that will allow future procedures to be carried out, particularly the enrolment procedure, in a simple and intuitive way.

The implementation involves the use of digital authentication and signature tools that need to be equipped before proceeding with the enrolment, which is scheduled for July. Therefore, candidates who are already pre-registered or candidates who will be able to proceed directly to enrolment in July for admission following a sliding of the ranking list (calls for EU students) or after passing the admission test (calls for non-EU students) are kindly requested to read this information note carefully in order to equip themselves with the most suitable authentication and digital signature tool.

The provided digital authentication and signature tools are as follows:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);


– Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document).

Authentication and signature through SPID:
The Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale (SPID) is a simple, fast, and secure tool widely adopted by public administration and many private organizations to enable access and use of online services with a single set of credentials (username and password) representing the digital and personal identity of each user.
SPID can be easily activated by individuals who have reached the age of 18 through authorised identity providers.
At the time of activation, the applicant must have:
· A valid Italian identification document (identity card, driver’s license, passport);
· The health insurance card (or tax identification number card, or a certificate of attribution of one of the two);
· An email address and their own mobile number.

To activate SPID, please visit the following link: where more information about using SPID and a list of all authorised identity providers for activation and credential issuance are provided. Activation of SPID is strongly recommended for all students with an Italian identification document because it can not only be used to access the GOMP University portal but also to access all Italian and non-Italian public administration portals (ministries, municipalities, consulates, Revenue Agency, National Social Security Institute, National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, etc.).

Authentication and digital signature via OTP:
If the student can’t obtain SPID, he/she can enable digital signature through the OTP (One Time Password) system, which allows authentication and document signing by receiving a numerical code via SMS on own smartphone.
To enable OTP-based signature, it is necessary to go through the appropriate section on the GOMP student portal. Please check the appropriate guide (download here) that explains the process in a simple and intuitive way.

Note: The enrolment procedure through the GOMP portal must be carried out by a parent or a person exercising parental authority for those who, at the moment of enrolment, have not yet reached the age fo majority. In this case, the parent (or the person exercising parental authority) must have SPID or must complete the identification procedure for enabling OTP-based signature before enrolment, following the instructions provided in the attached guide (download here).

For any further assistance, please contact the Registrar’s Office at +39 06 400640 or send an email to