Taught in English
6 years
The mission of the six year Degree – single cycle – Course is identified with the training of a doctor with an international professional profile, characterized by a multidisciplinary and integrated vision of health and disease problems, with an education oriented towards the community, the territory, the global health challenges and fundamentally towards disease prevention and health promotion and with a humanistic culture in its implications of medical interest. This specific mission is centered not only on the disease, but above all on the sick person, considered in his/her globality of soma and psyche and within the social context. The objectives, whose achievement constitute the qualifying background of the Doctor to be formed include:
In-depth knowledge of methodological fundaments which are necessary for a correct approach at scientific medical research, joined with an autonomous use of computer-based technologies which are indispensable in the clinical practice.
This didactic form includes: – lectures: dealing with one specific topic that is identified by a title and performed by a teacher with the help of computing and/or multimedia supports based on a predefined calendar and given to students enrolled to a specific course year and divided into small groups; – seminars: didactic activities with the same characteristics as lectures but carried out contemporarily by many teachers with different competences and, as such, noted in the lesson registers in each one of them.
During the last period of the course, when non Italian students will have acquired sufficient command of the language, some courses may be taught in Italian. The frontal teaching activity is always provided by teaching staff (first and second level professors, researchers and professors).
It deals with interactive didactic activities aimed at small groups of students and coordinated by a tutor whose task is that of facilitating the students in the acquisition of knowledge, abilities and behavioral models. Learning mainly occurs through stimuli deriving from problem solving and the use of methodological skills needed to resolve them and taking decisions as well as through the direct and personal use of actions (gesture and relational) in practical exercises and/or attending clinical departments, surgeries, territorial facilities and research laboratories. The function of the tutor can also be entrusted to non-university personnel of recognized qualification in the specific training sector, according to the recruitment methods provided by the University regulations.
A) Courses. The integrated teaching courses are held by one or more teachers
in function to the specific objectives assigned to the course. The specific objectives of the
individual courses that are contained in the exam programs and their programming are
proposed annually by the course teachers within the start date of the enrolments for the
new academic year.
B) Professional activities. During the three year degree course, the student is required to
acquire the professional specifications in the nursing field by carrying out internships in
facilities identified by the degree course council (CCL) and in the defined periods. The
internship can also be done in developing countries.
C) Elective activities. The degree course council organizes the offer of elective didactic
activities that are created with lectures, seminars, interactive courses with small groups
among which the student is able to exercise their own personal option until achieving an overall number of 6 credits. Each student autonomously chooses the elective activities
among the didactics supplied.
D) Training activities for the preparation of the final exam.
In order to be admitted to the final degree examination, the student must prepare an original thesis under the guidance and responsibility of a professor of the Faculty of Medicine as a supervisor. This activity is defined as a “graduation internship”. The student can perform the thesis internship at any Faculty structure or affiliated with the Faculty. It can also be carried out at facilities that are not affiliated under the responsibility of the supervisor. The thesis supervisor professors are first or second level professors or adjunct researchers or professors.
Graduates in Medicine and Surgery will carry out the activity of M.D.-surgeon in the various clinical, health and biomedical roles and fields. The employment opportunities normally offered to graduates in Medicine and Surgery are represented by:
Language of the Programme: English
Language of practical activities (internship): Italian
Head of School: Prof. Barbara Tovazzi
Programme director: Dr Antonella Palombo (
This includes all the courses (plus corresponding ECTS credits and codes) offered under the programme for the academic year and year of enrolment mentioned below:
This includes all the courses (plus name of tutor(s) and number of hours) offered under the programme for the academic year mentioned in the validated list of modules taught file below:
Candidates who, are willing to take the admission test must meet one of the following requirements:
In order to complete the registration to the admission test, each candidate must follow the instructions on the dedicated page and pay the test registration fee.
Candidates are admitted through an admission test. The admission procedure differs for EU and non-EU candidates.
⇒ For further details, please refer to the dedicated web page – Calls for application.
Reading list A.Y. 2022/23
Year I
Year II
Year III
Year IV
Year V
Reading list A.Y. 2020/21
Year I
Year II
Year III
Reading list A.Y. 2019/20
Year I
Year II
Reading list A.Y. 2018/19
Year I
Calendar Academic Year 2024-2025
Calendar Academic Year 2023-2024
Calendar Academic Year 2022-2023
Calendar Academic Year 2021-2022
In order to be eligible for the final exam, students must achieve all the CFU in the educational activities as in the study plan of reference, including those of the clinical practice and seminar activities.
The final exam has the value of State exam qualifying for the practice as a Medical Surgeon upon passing of the Practical Evaluation Internship, pursuant to Art. 102 of the Law Decree no. 18 of 17 March 2020.
The final exam consists of the defense of a dissertation originally elaborated by the student under the guidance of a supervisor: a co-supervisor can also be appointed.
In accordance with the Academic and Teaching Regulations of the Medicine and Surgery Degree Course, to be admitted to the State Exam to practice as a Medical Surgeon (pursuant to Law Decree No. 18 of 17 March 2020), students are required to carry out the Practical Evaluation Internship during the pre-graduation period.
The Practical Evaluation Internship lasts a total of three months and shall be completed no earlier than the fifth year of the Degree Course, provided that all the core examinations for the first four years of the Degree Course have been successfully taken, as set out in the Teaching Regulations of the Medicine and Surgery MSc they are enrolled in.
In order to submit the request for the Practical Evaluation Internship, please download and fill in the form below and send it via email to
Download here the request form
Students wishing to apply for a dissertation internship must download and fill in the form below. The dissertation internship is carried out under the supervision of an advisor for the purpose of writing the thesis. The advisor must also sign the form. Once the form has been filled in and signed, scan it and send it to within 30 days of the dissertation internship start date.
Download here the form
To carry out your dissertation internship at facilities other than those affiliated with the University, please download and fill in the form below.
Download here the form for dissertation internship in other facilities
Any information regarding the admission requirements, the final exam, the Committee, the final grade and its determination is available within the Regulations for the final exam of the Single-Cycle Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery.
Download the Regulations.
NEW! Download here the Explanatory Note on the Msc in Medicine and Surgery Final Exam Regulations
In the regulation you can find the information concerning the deadline and the online procedure to be followed by every undergraduates. Here below the annexes that must be used for the drafting of the dissertation:
Annex no. 1 – Deadlines Time Schedule (Annex_1 pdf file);
Annex no. 2 – Cover of the Dissertation facsimile (Annex 2 word file);
Annex no. 3 – Frontispiece of the Dissertation (Annex_3 word file);
Annex no. 4 – Logo (Annex_4 png file);
Annex no. 5 – Research originality statement and declaration of academic honesty (Annex_5 pdf file);
Annex no. 6 – Template Power Point (Annex_6 ppt file);
Annex no.7 – Suggestions for the Drafting of the Dissertation – in italian (Annex_7 pdf file).
Should you need further information regarding the Graduation procedure, please contact the Graduation Office at
Our study programmes are at the heart of the University’s educational mission and are continuously being updated by the Quality Assurance Group set up for each programme.
The Quality Assurance Group is composed of the Head of School, a Programme Director, a faculty member and a student representative. The Quality Assurance Group contributes to the design, implementation and verification of all activities related to each programme, ensuring their correct and smooth running in coordination with the University’s Quality Committee and other Quality Assurance members.
During the transitional period provided for in the Statute, the Quality Assurance Group is also called upon to perform the functions normally assigned to the Review Group.
Its responsibilities include:
1) identifying potential improvements for the programme, setting deadlines and indicators to verify the degree of implementation;
2) verify the achievement of predetermined objectives or identify reasons for non-achievement or partial achievement;
3) preparation of the Annual Monitoring Sheet;
4) preparation of the Cyclical Review Report.
Quality Assurance Group for the Medicine and Surgery programme
“Reports from students” is the service through which UniCamillus students can report and notice on topics such as teachings or organization. It aims to promote efficient and direct communication between students and University Offices.
→ Reports to Programme Director:
→ Reports to Didactic Administrative Office of the Degree Course:
The Medicine Degree Course secretariat answers by phone at the following times:
• Tuesday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
• Wednesday from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
• Thursday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
→ For information regarding internships of the Degree Course:
→ Request related to academic career:
→ Requests to Student Representatives (Representatives’ task is to collect student suggestions and recommend activities to encourage students to actively participate in university life):
⇒ Academic Regulation MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2024/2025 (in Italian)
⇒ Academic Regulation MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2023/2024
⇒ Academic Regulation MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2022/2023
⇒ Academic Regulation MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2021/2022
⇒ Academic Regulation MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2020/2021
⇒ Academic Regulation MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2019/2020
⇒ Academic Regulation MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2018/2019
⇒ Download