Student services

Students services aim at helping students already enrolled in UniCamillus remove any possible obstacles for a successful and active participation in university life.

Students Front Office

It offers UniCamillus students information and support for administrative procedures related to the student’s career during the different steps of university life: enrollment, exam registration, issue of certificates, graduation and diploma procedures.

The office is open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 12.30 and from 2.30pm to 5pm by appointment only.


UniCamillus organizes orientation activities to help students and their families in choosing a degree program in line with the student’s predispositions and passions.
These activities are dedicated to high school students, school orientation managers  and families, with the aim of presenting UniCamillus educational offer and didactic model.

Visit the dedicated page


Mainly addressed to undergraduates and graduates, it aims at facilitating students entry into the job market. The Job Placement service promotes the meeting between demand and supply of jobs and internships by establishing relations with companies and structures that can receive UniCamillus graduates.

Visit the dedicated page

Welcome Office

The Welcome Office for foreign students aims at helping all international UniCamillus students to deal with the bureaucratic procedures required to study and live in Italy.

Download our Guide for non-Eu students

Personalized Tutoring Service

The Personalized Tutoring Service is a service offered to all students and aims to facilitate learning processes; optimize the use of time and work organization; identify the best learning methodologies; promote motivation, self-efficacy, and effectiveness in the relationship with lecturers; plan for university exams; promote self-assessment of results achieved; assist and support students in the development of their degree pathway and in making informed choices.

⇒ Click here to consult the dedicated page

Listening and Counseling Service

The Listening and Counseling Service is a space for active listening and support to the students by a professional. The students will be helped in particular moments of the academic path that might be cause of distress and difficulties towards the achievement of their objectives.

⇒ Click here to see the dedicated page

UniCamillus Language Centre (UCLC)

The UniCamillus Language Centre (UCLC) supports the teaching and learning of languages by fostering learner autonomy and providing bespoke professional advisory services to support language learners. The courses are free for all UniCamillus students:

  • Italian for foreigners (levels A1, A2, B1)
  • English as a foreign language (levels A1, A2, B1)

⇒ Click here to see the dedicated page

Disability/SLD Desk

Disability Service Office

The Disability/SLD Desk is the information point for students with disabilities and with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD).
In particular, for Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), the University offers students with SLD what is set out in Article 5, Paragraph 4, of Law 170/2010 and Ministerial Decree No. 277/2019, i.e. the possibility of using appropriate compensatory tools starting from the Admission Tests,  given the current legal provisions.

⇒ Download Vademecum on Specific Learning Disorders and Special Educational Needs 

Student Community Officer

The Student Community Officer takes part in meetings on matters concerning the students, reporting on possible limitations of students’ rights, collecting students’ requests, opinions and proposals, and inquiring on students’ matters.

⇒ Click here to see the dedicated page

Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities

The Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities is in charge of promoting equal opportunities and fairness, and also countering any form of violence or discrimination in order to foster the workplace well-being inside the University, by promoting initiatives aimed at spreading knowledge and protection of anti-discriminatory and equal opportunities policies.

⇒ Click here to see the dedicated page

UniCamillus for sport

UniCamillus has given the Associazione sportiva dilettantistica “UniCamillus sport“, a students’ association sponsored by the University, a dedicated space, which can be found in the University’s main buildings (Room 108 — First Floor). Anyone interested in the Association’s activities can follow the “Associazione” on Instagram.

Services for new mothers

-The Baby Card is dedicated to all UniCamillus pregnant students or new mums.

Some of the benefits of the Baby Card include:
• Using the reserved parking spaces in front of the UniCamillus buildings;
• Skipping the line at the University’s café;
• Being given precedence for exams;
• Skipping the line at the Registrars’ Office;
• An accompanying person can keep your child during teaching activities.

-The Baby Pit Stop is a space that can be set up with a changing table and an armchair in the most convenient location for both the mother and baby.
Here, mothers can breastfeed and change their babies. The University also offers the possibility of allowing an accompanying person to take the baby during lectures or exams (simply show your baby card at the entrance).

⇒ Click here to consult the dedicated page and to request the UniCamillus Baby Card


The aim of UniLife is to propose new social and extracurricular activities to students (es. film forums, language aperitifs…), but also to collect proposals for any community moments that may create or consolidate the sense of belonging of students to the University.

UniCamillus Merch

All UniCamillus students can purchase merch with the official university logo (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) directly on the Greenservice Divise Roma sas website.

Visit the website