
MSc Medicine and Surgery

Rome Campus
From 16/07/2024 and until 1p.m. on 23/07/2024

Candidates who have completed the pre-enrolment procedure within the deadlines set out in the Admission Call no. 341 of 14/11/2023 and  candidates who were admitted following the publication of the results on 10/07/2024 as per Admission Call no. 139 of 4 April 2024, must enroll online in the first year for the academic year 2024/2025 from 16/07/2024 and until 1.00 pm on 23/07/2024.

For the completion of the enrolment procedure it is necessary to have authentication and digital signature tools. The instruments envisaged are:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID or CIE (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);

or, in alternative to SPID or CIE

 – Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document). The OTP authentication procedure can be easily performed, before enrolment, directly on the GOMP student portal.

In the case of a minor student, the registration procedure must be carried out by a parent or by a person exercising parental responsibility. In this case, it will be the care of the parent or the person exercising parental responsibility to have one of the above mentioned tools of authentication and digital signature.

The enrolment procedure must be carried out only through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions indicated in the Guide for Enrolment. The enrolment procedure requires the University to obtain the following documentation:

a) enrolment application submitted to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics; b) Student Contract (completed by the candidate or, if a minor, by a legal guardian);

c) digital photo;

d) valid identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;

e) certification of the secondary school-leaving certificate or a true copy thereof or, provisionally, self-certification in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 regarding possession of the secondary school-leaving certificate;

f) privacy information disclosure;

g) statement of withdrawal from studies issued by the university of origin (if any);

h) receipt certifying the first payment covering office administration costs and the first cycle of online seminars, in the sum of EUR 10,500.00 corresponding to 50% of the annual contribution (this payment is required only from candidates who were admitted following the publication of the results on 10/07/2024 and therefore does not concern those who previously carried out pre-enrolment)

i) revenue stamp for EUR 16.00 (sixteen/00);

j) receipt for the tax imposed by the Regional Authority.

Students admitted to enrolment shall declare their commitment to the following undertakings within 30 days of enrolment itself:

1) the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux method, in accordance with the guidelines for the control of tubercular disease (provision 17.12.1998 of the State-Regions Conference) and Presidential Decree No. 465 of 07.11.2001 regulating anti-tubercular vaccination;

2) vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Italian Law 165 of 27 May 1991.

Students also declare their commitment to undergo any other vaccination available, as from time to time imposed by law or deemed appropriate by the University for the safety of the students themselves and of all those with whom they may come into contact as a result of the academic activities in which they are required to participate.

Italian and foreign students with qualifications obtained abroad must deliver to the student office, by the beginning of the Academic Year, under penalty of exclusion, the official translation into Italian of their qualifications, complete with legalisation where necessary and a Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate General with territorial jurisdiction in the country in which the qualification was obtained. As an alternative to the Declaration of Value and the official translation into Italian, the qualification may be presented accompanied by the sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the certificates of Verification and Comparability issued by CIMEA. For the issue of such certificates, the student can access the link and carry out the procedure provided.



For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Applications and the information available on the institutional website.

If you are enrolling following withdrawal or disqualification from a previous university and you intend to apply for recognition of credits from your previous career, you can follow the instructions in this guide no later than 30 days after enrolment.

Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the registration procedure within the deadlines indicated in the announcement will be considered automatically forfeited and will not have the right to a refund.

For all other requirements, please follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the relevant Call for Applications.

For any further information regarding the enrolment procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

From 16/07/2024 and until 1p.m. on 23/07/2024

Candidates who, following the Admission Call no. 14 of 16/01/2024, have carried out the pre-enrolment procedure within the deadlines and candidates who, in relation to the Admission Call no. 161 of 24/04/2024, were admitted to the ranking list, can proceed with online enrolment from 16/07/2024 and until 1.00 pm on 23/07/2024.

For the completion of the enrolment procedure it is necessary to have authentication and digital signature tools. The instruments envisaged are:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID or CIE (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);

or, in alternative to SPID or CIE

 – Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document). The OTP authentication procedure can be easily performed, before enrolment, directly on the GOMP student portal.

In the case of a minor student, the registration procedure must be carried out by a parent or by a person exercising parental responsibility. In this case, it will be the care of the parent or the person exercising parental responsibility to have one of the above mentioned tools of authentication and digital signature.

The registration procedure must be carried out only through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions indicated in the “Guide for enrolment”. The enrolment procedure requires the University to obtain the following documentation:

– enrolment application addressed to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics;

– Student Contract signed for acceptance (by the candidate or, if a minor, by a person legally exercising parental authority. A candidate who is under 18 years of age at the time of registration is considered to be a minor.);

– privacy policy;

– digital photo;

– a copy of a valid identity document;

–  declaration of commitment to deliver by the beginning of the academic year:

1.  the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux method, in accordance with the guidelines for the control of tubercular disease (provision 17.12.1998 of the State-Regions Conference) and Presidential Decree No. 465 of 07.11.2001 regulating anti-tubercular vaccination

2. certificate of vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Italian Law 165 of 27th May 1991.

– receipt certifying the first payment covering office administration costs and the first cycle of online seminars, in the sum of EUR 10,500.00 corresponding to 50% of the annual contribution (this payment is required only for candidates who were admitted in the ranking of 09/07/2024);

– revenue stamp to the value of € 16.00 (sixteen/00);

– receipt of payment of the regional tax

Furthermore, by the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year it is necessary to deliver to the Registrars’ Office, under penalty of exclusion:

a) a copy of the entry visa for study purposes obtained in accordance with the law

b) an official translation into Italian of the candidate’s qualifications, complete with legalisation and Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate General for the country in which the qualification was produced. This documentation is required from all students with a qualification obtained abroad. As an alternative to the Declaration of Value and the official translation into Italian, the qualification may be presented accompanied by the sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the certificates of Verification and Comparability issued by CIMEA. For the issue of such certificates, the student can access the link and carry out the procedure provided.

c) an application for a residence permit issued by the competent authorities.



If you are enrolling following withdrawal or disqualification from a previous university and you intend to apply for recognition of credits from your previous career, you can follow the instructions in this guide no later than 30 days after enrolment.

Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the registration procedure within the deadlines indicated in the announcement will be considered automatically forfeited and will not have the right to a refund.

To prepare for specific subjects considered fundamental for the degree course undertaken, candidates enrolled in accordance with the terms of this notice will be required to follow a training course aimed at providing useful notions about Chemistry, Biology and Physics. At the end of the course, the tutors in charge of these subjects will carry out an assessment aimed at verifying the knowledge acquired and the fulfilment of the requirements.

For further clarification, please see the text of the reference call.

MSc Medicine and Surgery

Venice Campus
Within 5p.m. on 25/07/2024

Candidates who were admitted with reserve following the scrolling of the ranking list, must enroll online in the first year for the academic year. 2024/2025 within 5.00 pm on 25/07/2024.

For the completion of the enrolment procedure it is necessary to have authentication and digital signature tools. The instruments envisaged are:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID or CIE (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);

or, in alternative to SPID or CIE

– Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document). The OTP authentication procedure can be easily performed, before enrolment, directly on the GOMP student portal.

In the case of a minor student, the registration procedure must be carried out by a parent or by a person exercising parental responsibility. In this case, it will be the care of the parent or the person exercising parental responsibility to have one of the above mentioned tools of authentication and digital signature.

The enrolment procedure must be carried out only through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions indicated in the Guide for Enrolment. The enrolment procedure requires the University to obtain the following documentation:

a) enrolment application submitted to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics; b) Student Contract (completed by the candidate or, if a minor, by a legal guardian);

c) digital photo;

d) valid identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;

e) certification of the secondary school-leaving certificate or a true copy thereof or, provisionally, self-certification in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 regarding possession of the secondary school-leaving certificate;

f) privacy information disclosure;

g) statement of withdrawal from studies issued by the university of origin (if any);

h) receipt certifying the first payment covering office administration costs and the first cycle of online seminars, in the sum of EUR 7,500.00 corresponding to 50% of the annual contribution (this payment is required only from candidates who were admitted following the scrolling of the ranking list and therefore does not concern those who previously carried out pre-enrolment)

i) revenue stamp for EUR 16.00 (sixteen/00);

j) receipt for the tax imposed by the Regional Authority.

Students admitted to enrolment shall declare their commitment to the following undertakings within 30 days of enrolment itself:

1) the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux method, in accordance with the guidelines for the control of tubercular disease (provision 17.12.1998 of the State-Regions Conference) and Presidential Decree No. 465 of 07.11.2001 regulating anti-tubercular vaccination;

2) vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Italian Law 165 of 27 May 1991.

Students also declare their commitment to undergo any other vaccination available, as from time to time imposed by law or deemed appropriate by the University for the safety of the students themselves and of all those with whom they may come into contact as a result of the academic activities in which they are required to participate.

Italian and foreign students with qualifications obtained abroad must deliver to the student office, by the beginning of the Academic Year, under penalty of exclusion, the official translation into Italian of their qualifications, complete with legalisation where necessary and a Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate General with territorial jurisdiction in the country in which the qualification was obtained. As an alternative to the Declaration of Value and the official translation into Italian, the qualification may be presented accompanied by the sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the certificates of Verification and Comparability issued by CIMEA. For the issue of such certificates, the student can access the link and carry out the procedure provided.



For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Applications and the information available on the institutional website.

If you are enrolling following withdrawal or disqualification from a previous university and you intend to apply for recognition of credits from your previous career, you can follow the instructions in this guide no later than 30 days after enrolment.

Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the registration procedure within the deadlines indicated in the announcement will be considered automatically forfeited and will not have the right to a refund.

For all other requirements, please follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the relevant Call for Applications.

For any further information regarding the enrolment procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

MSc Dentistry
and Dental Prosthetics

From 16/07/2024 and until 1p.m. on 23/07/2024

Pursuant to art. 8 of the Call for Admissions, candidates who have completed the pre-enrolment procedure within the deadlines, are required to carry out the online enrolment procedure to the first year for the a.y. 2024/2025 from 16/07/2024 and until 1.00 pm (Italian time) on 23/07/2024.

For the completion of the enrolment procedure it is necessary to have authentication and digital signature tools. The instruments envisaged are:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID or CIE (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);

or, in alternative to SPID or CIE

 – Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document). The OTP authentication procedure can be easily performed, before enrolment, directly on the GOMP student portal.

In the case of a minor student, the registration procedure must be carried out by a parent or by a person exercising parental responsibility. In this case, it will be the care of the parent or the person exercising parental responsibility to have one of the above mentioned tools of authentication and digital signature.

The enrolment procedure must be carried out only through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions indicated in the “Guide for Enrolment. The registration procedure requires the University to obtain the following documentation:

a) enrolment application submitted to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics; b) Student Contract (completed by the candidate or, if a minor, by a legal guardian);

c) digital photo;

d) valid identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;

e) certification of the secondary school-leaving certificate or a true copy thereof or, provisionally, self-certification in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 regarding possession of the secondary school-leaving certificate;

f) privacy information disclosure;

g) statement of withdrawal from studies issued by the university of origin (if any);

h) revenue stamp for EUR 16.00 (sixteen/00);

i) receipt for the tax imposed by the Regional Authority.

Students admitted to enrolment shall declare their commitment to the following undertakings within 30 days of enrolment itself:

1) the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux method, in accordance with the guidelines for the control of tubercular disease (provision 17.12.1998 of the State-Regions Conference) and Presidential Decree No. 465 of 07.11.2001 regulating anti-tubercular vaccination;

2) vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Italian Law 165 of 27 May 1991.

Students also declare their commitment to undergo any other vaccination available, as from time to time imposed by law or deemed appropriate by the University for the safety of the students themselves and of all those with whom they may come into contact as a result of the academic activities in which they are required to participate.

Italian and foreign students with qualifications obtained abroad must deliver to the student office, by the beginning of the Academic Year, under penalty of exclusion, the official translation into Italian of their qualifications, complete with legalisation where necessary and a Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate General with territorial jurisdiction in the country in which the qualification was obtained. As an alternative to the Declaration of Value and the official translation into Italian, the qualification may be presented accompanied by the sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the certificates of Verification and Comparability issued by CIMEA. For the issue of such certificates, the student can access the link and carry out the procedure provided



For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Applications and the information available on the institutional website.

If you are enrolling following withdrawal or disqualification from a previous university and you intend to apply for recognition of credits from your previous career, you can follow the instructions in this guide no later than 30 days after enrolment.

Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the registration procedure within the deadlines indicated in the announcement will be considered automatically forfeited and will not have the right to a refund.

For all other requirements, please follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the relevant Call for Applications.

For any further information regarding the enrolment procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

BSc Health Professions

Taught in English and in Italian
(BSc Physiotherapy, Nursing, Radiology – taught in English)

(BSc Midwifery, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques – taught in Italian)
From 24/07/2024 and until 1p.m. on 30/07/2024

Candidates who, following the Admission Call no. 16 of 16/01/2024, have carried out the pre-enrolment procedure within the deadlines and candidates who, in relation to the Admission Call no. 163 of 23/04/2024, were admitted to the ranking list, can proceed with online enrolment from 24/07/2024 and until 1.00 pm on 30/07/2024.

For the completion of the enrolment procedure it is necessary to have authentication and digital signature tools. The instruments envisaged are:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID or CIE (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);

or, in alternative to SPID or CIE

 – Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document). The OTP authentication procedure can be easily performed, before enrolment, directly on the GOMP student portal.

In the case of a minor student, the registration procedure must be carried out by a parent or by a person exercising parental responsibility. In this case, it will be the care of the parent or the person exercising parental responsibility to have one of the above mentioned tools of authentication and digital signature.

The registration procedure must be carried out only through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions indicated in the “Guide for enrolment”. The enrolment procedure requires the University to obtain the following documentation:

– enrolment application addressed to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics;

– Student Contract signed for acceptance (by the candidate or, if a minor, by a person legally

exercising parental authority. A candidate who is under 18 years of age at the time of registration is considered to be a minor.);

– privacy policy;

– digital photo;

– a copy of a valid identity document;

–  declaration of commitment to deliver by the beginning of the academic year:

1.  the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux method, in accordance with the guidelines for the control of tubercular disease (provision 17.12.1998 of the State-Regions Conference) and Presidential Decree No. 465 of 07.11.2001 regulating anti-tubercular vaccination

2. certificate of vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Italian Law 165 of 27th May 1991.

– receipt certifying the first payment covering office administration costs in the sum of EUR 1,500.00 (this payment is required only for candidates who were admitted in the ranking of 15/07/2024);

– revenue stamp to the value of € 16.00 (sixteen/00);

– receipt of payment of the regional tax

Furthermore, by the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year it is necessary to deliver to the

Registrars’ Office, under penalty of exclusion:

a) a copy of the entry visa for study purposes obtained in accordance with the law

b) an official translation into Italian of the candidate’s qualifications, complete with legalisation and Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate General for the country in which the qualification was produced. This documentation is required from all students with a qualification obtained abroad. As an alternative to the Declaration of Value and the official translation into Italian, the qualification may be presented accompanied by the sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the certificates of Verification and Comparability issued by CIMEA. For the issue of such certificates, the student can access the link and carry out the procedure provided.

c) an application for a residence permit issued by the competent authorities;



If you are enrolling following withdrawal or disqualification from a previous university and you intend to apply for recognition of credits from your previous career, you can follow the instructions in this guide no later than 30 days after enrolment.

Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the registration procedure within the deadlines indicated in the announcement will be considered automatically forfeited and will not have the right to a refund.

To prepare for specific subjects considered fundamental for the degree course undertaken, candidates enrolled in accordance with the terms of this notice will be required to follow a training course aimed at providing useful notions about Chemistry, Biology and Physics. At the end of the course, the tutors in charge of these subjects will carry out an assessment aimed at verifying the knowledge acquired and the fulfilment of the requirements.

For further clarification, please see the text of the reference call.

For any further information regarding the enrolment procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

BSc Health Professions

Taught in English
(BSc Physiotherapy, Nursing, Radiology)
From 24/07/2024 and until 1p.m. on 30/07/2024

Candidates who have completed the pre-enrolment procedure within the deadlines set out in the Admission Call no. 88 of 07/03/2024 and candidates who, pursuant to art. 9, are admitted following the scrolling of the ranking list, must enroll online in the first year for the academic year 2024/2025 from 24/07/2024 and until 1.00 pm on 30/07/2024.

For the completion of the enrolment procedure it is necessary to have authentication and digital signature tools. The instruments envisaged are:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID or CIE (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);

or, in alternative to SPID or CIE

 – Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document). The OTP authentication procedure can be easily performed, before enrolment, directly on the GOMP student portal.

In the case of a minor student, the registration procedure must be carried out by a parent or by a person exercising parental responsibility. In this case, it will be the care of the parent or the person exercising parental responsibility to have one of the above mentioned tools of authentication and digital signature.

The enrolment procedure must be carried out only through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions indicated in the Guide for Enrolment. The enrolment procedure requires the University to obtain the following documentation:

a) enrolment application submitted to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics; b) Student Contract (completed by the candidate or, if a minor, by a legal guardian);

c) digital photo;

d) valid identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;

e) certification of the secondary school-leaving certificate or a true copy thereof or, provisionally, self-certification in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 regarding possession of the secondary school-leaving certificate;

f) privacy information disclosure;

g) statement of withdrawal from studies issued by the university of origin (if any);

h) receipt certifying the first payment covering office administration costs, in the sum of EUR 1,500.00 (this payment is required only from candidates who were admitted following the scrolling of the ranking list and therefore does not concern those who previously carried out pre-enrolment)

i) revenue stamp for EUR 16.00 (sixteen/00);

j) receipt for the tax imposed by the Regional Authority.

Students admitted to enrolment shall declare their commitment to the following undertakings within 30 days of enrolment itself:

1) the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux method, in accordance with the guidelines for the control of tubercular disease (provision 17.12.1998 of the State-Regions Conference) and Presidential Decree No. 465 of 07.11.2001 regulating anti-tubercular vaccination;

2) vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Italian Law 165 of 27 May 1991.

Students also declare their commitment to undergo any other vaccination available, as from time to time imposed by law or deemed appropriate by the University for the safety of the students themselves and of all those with whom they may come into contact as a result of the academic activities in which they are required to participate.

Italian and foreign students with qualifications obtained abroad must deliver to the student office, by the beginning of the Academic Year, under penalty of exclusion, the official translation into Italian of their qualifications, complete with legalisation where necessary and a Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate General with territorial jurisdiction in the country in which the qualification was obtained. As an alternative to the Declaration of Value and the official translation into Italian, the qualification may be presented accompanied by the sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the certificates of Verification and Comparability issued by CIMEA. For the issue of such certificates, the student can access the link and carry out the procedure provided.



For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Applications and the information available on the institutional website.

If you are enrolling following withdrawal or disqualification from a previous university and you intend to apply for recognition of credits from your previous career, you can follow the instructions in this guide no later than 30 days after enrolment.

Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the registration procedure within the deadlines indicated in the announcement will be considered automatically forfeited and will not have the right to a refund.

For all other requirements, please follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the relevant Call for Applications.

For any further information regarding the enrolment procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

BSc Health Professions

Taught in Italian
(BSc Midwifery, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques)
From 24/07/2024 and until 1p.m. on 30/07/2024

Candidates who have completed the pre-enrolment procedure within the deadlines set out in the Admission Call no. 89 of 07/03/2024 and candidates who, pursuant to art. 9, are admitted following the scrolling of the ranking list, must enroll online in the first year for the academic year 2024/2025 from 24/07/2024 and until 1.00 pm on 30/07/2024.

For the completion of the enrolment procedure it is necessary to have authentication and digital signature tools. The instruments envisaged are:

– Authentication and digital signature via SPID or CIE (strongly recommended and reserved for all adult students with an Italian identification document);

or, in alternative to SPID or CIE

 – Authentication and digital signature via OTP (an alternative to SPID, particularly reserved for adult students who do not have an Italian identification document). The OTP authentication procedure can be easily performed, before enrolment, directly on the GOMP student portal.

In the case of a minor student, the registration procedure must be carried out by a parent or by a person exercising parental responsibility. In this case, it will be the care of the parent or the person exercising parental responsibility to have one of the above mentioned tools of authentication and digital signature.

The enrolment procedure must be carried out only through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions indicated in the Guide for Enrolment. The enrolment procedure requires the University to obtain the following documentation:

a) enrolment application submitted to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics; b) Student Contract (completed by the candidate or, if a minor, by a legal guardian);

c) digital photo;

d) valid identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;

e) certification of the secondary school-leaving certificate or a true copy thereof or, provisionally, self-certification in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 regarding possession of the secondary school-leaving certificate;

f) privacy information disclosure;

g) statement of withdrawal from studies issued by the university of origin (if any);

h) receipt certifying the first payment covering office administration costs, in the sum of EUR 1,500.00 (this payment is required only from candidates who were admitted following the scrolling of the ranking list and therefore does not concern those who previously carried out pre-enrolment)

i) revenue stamp for EUR 16.00 (sixteen/00);

j) receipt for the tax imposed by the Regional Authority.

Students admitted to enrolment shall declare their commitment to the following undertakings within 30 days of enrolment itself:

1) the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux method, in accordance with the guidelines for the control of tubercular disease (provision 17.12.1998 of the State-Regions Conference) and Presidential Decree No. 465 of 07.11.2001 regulating anti-tubercular vaccination;

2) vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Italian Law 165 of 27 May 1991.

Students also declare their commitment to undergo any other vaccination available, as from time to time imposed by law or deemed appropriate by the University for the safety of the students themselves and of all those with whom they may come into contact as a result of the academic activities in which they are required to participate.

Italian and foreign students with qualifications obtained abroad must deliver to the student office, by the beginning of the Academic Year, under penalty of exclusion, the official translation into Italian of their qualifications, complete with legalisation where necessary and a Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate General with territorial jurisdiction in the country in which the qualification was obtained. As an alternative to the Declaration of Value and the official translation into Italian, the qualification may be presented accompanied by the sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the certificates of Verification and Comparability issued by CIMEA. For the issue of such certificates, the student can access the link and carry out the procedure provided.



For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Applications and the information available on the institutional website.

If you are enrolling following withdrawal or disqualification from a previous university and you intend to apply for recognition of credits from your previous career, you can follow the instructions in this guide no later than 30 days after enrolment.

Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the registration procedure within the deadlines indicated in the announcement will be considered automatically forfeited and will not have the right to a refund.

For all other requirements, please follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the relevant Call for Applications.

For any further information regarding the enrolment procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.

Loan of Honor


Benefits for students