The Academic Senate is the body in charge of promoting and coordinating the University’s scientific and teaching activities. The Senate is made up of the Principal, who chairs it, and the Heads of Department.
The Director General takes part in meetings, acting as a Secretary of the Senate with advisory voting rights.
The University, through the Evaluation Unit, uses an internal evaluation system in order to assess the quality of administration, teaching and research activities and measures to support the right to study.
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The Departmental Faculty of Medicine is in charge of developing scientific research, teaching and training activities and also external activities related to the course.
The members of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine are:
The University Quality Committee (Presidio di Qualità di Ateneo – PQA) is in charge of aligning quality procedures with the strategic guidelines set by the University’s governance bodies, and coordinates internal and external university governance bodies, in order to promote initiatives that can help achieve quality goals.
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Data Protection Officer (DPO):
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