Press Releases


“Today we celebrate women with a scientific event that emphasizes gender specificity. We strongly believe that gender differences must be constantly avoided, without ignoring the peculiar aspects of women and men.Our approach is based on a daily cultural revolution. According to a recent report on gender equality in universities, UniCamillus has a female presence of...
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“Today is an exciting day for UniCamillus. An important project, with high social and ethical value, has started. It engages our University and put it at service of the children’s oral health of Istituto Comprensivo Belforte del Chienti”.This said Gianni Profita, the Dean of the International Medical University in Rome UniCamillus, on the launching of...
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Healthcare, Profita (UniCamillus): “Prof. Capobianchi, UniCamillus teacher, appointed in the National Health Council” “I would like to wish all the best in their work to all the members of the National Health Council, called to carry out a task as prestigious as onerous and with a high social significance. In particular, my congratulations to Professor...
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“UniCamillus is ready to welcome immediately 20 young Ukrainians, prospective students of healthcare disciplines, and support them in their academic path through scholarships, as well as grant them moral and psychological support” the Rector of the International Medical University in Rome, UniCamillus, Gianni Profita, declares.“The tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, the madness of a war in...
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University, Profita (UniCamillus) “Deserving non-EU students have been awarded with scholarships. Similar urgent measures for Ukrainian students are under consideration”. Within the partnership agreement between Banca Intesa Sanpaolo and the International Medical University in Rome UniCamillus, 13 scholarships have been awarded for non-EU deserving students, worth 30 thousand euros. “These resources can make a difference,...
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Let’s not put the presence of AIDS on the back burner as well as the due contrast to its HIV virus. This was stated by the Rector of Unicamillus, International Medical University in Rome, Gianni Profita. The ambitious goal to uproot by 2030 a disease that since its discovery has claimed 35 million victims in...
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Also this year the whole UniCamillus academic community wanted to firmly confirm its no to all forms of violence against women. The students of Midwifery and the professors of UniCamillus, first of all Sofia Colaceci, engaged today in a flash mob to raise awareness on  this serious topic, wanted to remember, with a minute of silence and red garments, the...
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“8th European Fertility Meeting: Strategies to improve IVF success rate”
On Friday 26th November, starting from 9 a.m., the conference “8th European Fertility Meeting: Strategies to improve IVF success rate” will take place at UniCongress Hall – International Medical University in Rome, in Via di Sant’Alessandro 26. The conference, chaired by Professor Ermanno Greco, whose activities will be opened by the Rector of Unicamillus Gianni Profita,...
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“My heartfelt congratulations to Federica Varone, who successfully graduated today in the degree course of Midwifery cum laude. Her success will stay forever in the heart of UniCamillus , as it is the very first academic title achieved in our University from the moment of its institution three years ago. The story of UniCamillus, an International...
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Ribbon-cutting for the new Congress Center of UniCamillus, the International Medical University in Rome, this morning in the presence of Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa, the Scientific Director of the INMI Spallanzani, Giuseppe Ippolito, and the president of the Medical Association of Rome, Antonio Magi: the Rector of the University, Gianni Profita, led the site...
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