Press Releases


524 available slots: online enrolment procedures open until 31st July At UniCamillus University the programmes for initial training and qualification of secondary school teachers are open for the academic year 2023/2024, in accordance with the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4th August 2023. There are two types of programmes, depending on the requirements of applicants: PeF...
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It will be an opportunity to find out all about the course: lecturers, a video-greeting by Rosanna Lambertucci and testimonials from former students, plus a live Q&A session. Wednesday 17 July sees the start of the UniCamillus MSc Human Nutrition Sciences Open Day. The event will take place from 12 noon to 1pm. Live streaming...
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On 4 and 5 July, UniCamillus University celebrated a ῝historic῞ moment with the graduation of its first 58 Medicine and Surgery students. The first lecture of the MSc programme was held in 2018, the year in which the Saint Camillus University of Medical Sciences was founded. Exactly six years have passed since then, confirming figures emerging...
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Great satisfaction at the International Medical University of Rome, which, with its Integrated Transcultural Educational Synergy in Health Sciences project, was awarded the highest funding under Mission 4 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, concerning advanced university skills and transnational education initiatives. The Ministry of University and Research, in cooperation with the Ministry of...
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65 available spots, with the possibility of accessing a two-year academic course offering a number of interesting job opportunities UniCamillus University‘s new call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025 has been published. Applications are open for the MSc Human Nutrition Sciences, whose curriculum aims to train professionals with expertise in nutrition, dietetics and dietology....
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Porcelli: ‘The category most exposed to risks is that of nurses’; Rossi: ‘68% of INAIL patients have suffered from osteo-articular conditions at work’; Livigni: ‘Burnout is consuming health workers, but it is not reported’; Magrini: ‘Among health professionals, the number of suicides is extremely high’. The seventh and last session of the ‘Horizons of Medicine’...
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Cardiovascular diseases: kick-off of the ‘Online – on life’ pilot project for community prevention on the over 65s in Rome Rome, 23 May 2024 — Heart disease is a major health threat, particularly among the over-65s, for whom prevention and early diagnosis are crucial. This is why, the Pro-Rectorate for Social Innovation Policies of the...
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Loizzo: ‘We want digital therapies to be reimbursable’; Magi: ‘The goal is always the patient’s wellbeing’; Ferrari: ‘Europe needs a culture of data approach’; Malva: ‘Trust in AI is difficult to explain? An act of faith is also needed’; Giacobbe: ‘AI useful against antibiotic resistance’. UniCamillus University has organised and hosted, in its auditorium, the conference...
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The tests will be conducted in home-based mode. A single application fee will allow you to register for several tests at the same time. UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences – has published calls for applications for the Rome campus BSc Health Professions programmes for the 2024-2025 academic year. There are...
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