Press Releases


“My heartfelt congratulations to Federica Varone, who successfully graduated today in the degree course of Midwifery cum laude. Her success will stay forever in the heart of UniCamillus , as it is the very first academic title achieved in our University from the moment of its institution three years ago. The story of UniCamillus, an International...
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Ribbon-cutting for the new Congress Center of UniCamillus, the International Medical University in Rome, this morning in the presence of Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa, the Scientific Director of the INMI Spallanzani, Giuseppe Ippolito, and the president of the Medical Association of Rome, Antonio Magi: the Rector of the University, Gianni Profita, led the site...
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“We therefore welcome the fulfillment of the establishment process of the Osteopath health profession, achieved today in the Council of Ministers. After years of expectation, passed since the announcement of the intend to want to recognize this fundamental professional figure, the decision of the Government finally crystallizes the process that will bring future osteopaths to...
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“The gathering with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, which took place today at the Quirinale, was an opportunity to present the International Medical University of Rome, UniCamillus, to the Head of State”. This was declared by the Rector of UniCamillus, Gianni Profita, at the end of the meeting with the President of the...
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“UniCamillus is a young academic reality, and yet the participation we are registering among students and those who want to undertake an academic career at our University is extraordinary. We don’t want to be just a University to attend, but also an integral part of the Capitoline territory and the Tiburtino slope that offers us...
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The Master’s diploma ceremony was held today at the Aula Magna of UniCamillus – International Medical University of Rome – for the proclamation of the first graduates for the 1st level Online Master in  Management and Coordination Roles in the Health Professions. The event was organized both in presence and electronically in compliance with the...
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By UniCamillus’ Professor Sondra Badolamenti The complexity of the healthcare challenges that the healthcare professional must face places the emphasis on the need for a multidimensional vision of the management of healthcare problems and the management of critical processes. This involes both professionals working in hospital settings (intensive care, resuscitation, etc. ) and those operating...
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Written by Bruno Manzoni, UniCamillus Workplace Safety Manager In the last year, the spread of Covid-19 severely affected population worldwide, especially in healthcare facilities. The pandemic hit many hospitals and nursing homes, causing a large number of victims among healhtcare personnel, patients and guests. This produced negative effects on the entire National Health System of...
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Written by Manuele Cesare, Lecturer in the On-line Master in Critical Care Nursing at UniCamillus The ICU nurse is the primary responsible for the care taking and treatment of patients whith an unstable and/or critical clinical situation. The nurse manages and coordinates nursing care through an in-depth and ongoing assessment, therapies and high-intensity interventions. In...
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by Jacopo Fiorini, UniCamillus Lecturer for the On-line Master in Critical Care Nursing Vascular accesses are a common care practice that represent a necessity for patients accessing to healthcare facilities. The knowledge, choice, positioning and management of vascular devices are essential skills for health professionals, particularly for nurses, the main internationally recognized interlocutors and responsible for...
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