Enrolment Renewal A.Y. 2023/2024

The enrolment renewal procedure for all UniCamillus students registered to single-cycle degree courses (Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics) and three-year degree courses in the Health Professions (Physiotherapy, Midwifery, Nursing, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques) will be active for the Academic Year 2023/2024  on the Gomp student portal starting from July 20th 2023. Download here the guide.

The deadlines by which enrolment renewal must be carried out are set as follows:

  • by 31/08/2023: for all students enrolled in the academic years 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022
  • by 14/09/2023: for all students enrolled in the A.Y. 2022/2023

PLEASE NOTE: the dates indicated above are mandatory. Once these deadlines have passed, the renewal procedure will no longer be allowed. Therefore, please proceed well in advance by following the instructions in the attached guide.

Please also pay attention to the following notes:

  • Payment of the first instalment of the university contribution: as provided for by the relevant Tuition and Fees Regulations and by the Student Regulations, the enrolment renewal is considered completed only with the simultaneous payment of the first instalment of the annual contribution fee by the due date (as indicated in the guide, the instalment is automatically generated on the student portal at the time of renewal). If this is not done by this deadline, the renewal will not be considered finalized and the student will not be able to access teaching and administrative activities. Unlocking of activities will only be carried out after payment of the amount due, including penalties generated by late payment. The student may only renew enrolment if the administrative position for previous years is regular. If this is not the case, the student must first rectify any irregularities and then proceed to enrolment renewal.
  • Scholarship recipients: students who are awarded a scholarship are required to pay the first instalment at the time of enrolment. The administration will carry out a check on the fulfillment of the requirements for the maintenance of the grant and will proceed, in the event of a positive outcome, to reschedule the remaining instalments of the annual contribution, as provided for by the relevant Scholarship Regulations.
  • Regional Tax: for the academic year 2023/2024 the payment of the amount referring to the regional fee in favour of Disco Lazio, equal to € 140.00, must be made only on the student’s portal in the “Fees and Contributions” section through the PagoPA system. The payment of the regional tax must be made at the same time as the payment of the first instalment of the annual tuition fee, otherwise the renewal of enrolment will not be considered completed. Please make the payment only through the method provided on the student portal (Gomp) to avoid unnecessary dispersion of information in acquiring this payment.
  • ISEE for benefits for university right: if you are interested in presenting the ISEE certificate to benefit from the remodulation of the second and third instalment (subsidies only for EU and equivalent students) and only if provided for by the relevant Tuition and Fees Regulations (i.e. the Regulations for the year of enrolment at UniCamillus), please note that the deadline is 30 November 2023. It is confirmed that in order for the University to acquire the ISEE, it is necessary to:
    1) provide authorization to access the Inps database through the Gomp student portal (as indicated in the enrolment renewal guide attached)
    2) submit the ISEE declaration for university benefits to Inps (using the online procedure provided by Inps itself or by contacting CAFs – Tax Assistance Centers)
    Both procedures must be completed by the mandatory deadline of 30 November 2023. Otherwise,
    a) if authorization is provided on the GOMP student portal, but the ISEE declaration is not submitted to the Inps by the deadline indicated
    b) if the ISEE declaration is submitted to Inps, but authorization is not provided on the GOMP student portal by the deadline indicated, UniCamillus will not be able to acquire any data and therefore the maximum contribution fee provided for by the Tuition and Fees Regulations will be applied without any remodeling.
    In order to meet the deadline of 30 November 2023, it is strongly recommended to carry out both procedures described in points 1) and 2) well in advance, in particular the submission of the ISEE declaration, considering that Inps may take several days to process the file.
    Under no circumstances should the results of the ISEE Declaration be transmitted on paper, by e-mail or by pec as they will not be acquired.

For any clarification on this matter, please contact the Registrar’s Office at office@unicamillus.org or via PEC at office.unicamillus@pec.it.