Firma del protocollo con Marevivo e Fondazione Recchi

Signing of a Protocol between UNICAMILLUS, MAREVIVO and Fondazione Recchi to reduce the use of plastic and more

Rome, 01/10/2019
The protocol of understanding between Marevivo, UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences, a university dedicated to medical and health sciences, Fondazione Progetto Salute and the Fondazione Recchi for the #StopSinglenonEssentialUsePlastic campaign, with the aim of limiting the usage of single-use plastic non-essential in the spaces of the University.


The agreement aims at encouraging the elimination of single-use plastic items, which are not essential, and therefore not strictly necessary in the health sector. To this end, Marevivo, UniCamillus and Fondazione Recchi will take joint communication and awareness actions to disseminate accurate information on the problem of pollution.

Among the university’s first commitments, the replacement of sinlge-use plastic in coffee machines, the delivery to students of metal water bottles and the installation of special water dispensers.


“Marevivo comes among white coats – explains Rosalba Giugni, President of Marevivo – and enters a young university. A protocol that brings together environmentalists, professors and students for academic research projects aimed at studying the effects of the dispersion of micro and nano-plastics on human health and the ecosystem. An extraordinary partnership that will surely help raise  awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and the sea and therefore protecting our well-being “.


“UniCamillus does not pretend to dictate the health agenda of the world,” said the Rector Gianni Profita, commenting on the agreement with Marevivo and the Fondazione Recchi, “but it has a clear understanding of the task it can carry out.” The University welcomes many international students and helps them with a loan of honor to become doctors, nurses and physiotherapists. “The loan will be completely rebated – explained the Rector – after these new health professionals have served in their country of origin for at least three years”. UniCamillus trains lay apostles of health who will go on the streets of the southern hemisphere. They are entrusted with the additional mission of becoming promoters of environmental sustainability. “In many developing countries, pollution from plastics and domestic and industrial waste has long exceeded the alert level,” concluded Professor Profita-.

Our health professionals can spread the message and the good practices which, thanks to the experience of Marevivo, thanks to the enthusiasm of Rosalba Giugni, and to the passion and witness of Alberto Luca Recchi, can be well integrated with the University’s programs ” .