11th September 2023

UniCamillus is supporting the Italian Red Cross fundraising campaign to help the population of Marocco devastated by the earthquake

We invite the entire University community to support the Italian Red Cross fundraising campaign: every contribution can make a difference!

Photo credits: Italian Red Cross

With great dismay and deep sadness, we learn of the tragic news coming from Morocco which has been devastated by the dramatic earthquake that occurred last Friday. The number of victims and displaced individuals is unfortunately steadily increasing. In order to provide assistance to the relief efforts and urgent needs of the population, especially in the city of Marrakesh and the rural areas around the epicentre of the earthquake, UniCamillus is joining and promoting the fundraising campaign organised by the Italian Red Cross.

Anyone who wishes to contribute with a donation can use the various channels activated by the Italian Red Cross, all available on their official website:

  • Donation with credit card, PayPal, Google Pay and Satispay directly on their website.
  • Donation via bank transfer:
    • Beneficiary: Associazione della Croce Rossa Italiana ODV (Crédit Agricole – Piazza Morelli, 25 – 00151 Rome)
    • IBAN: IT12T0623003204000030737371

The Italian Red cross, as part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, stands alongside their Moroccan colleagues of the Moroccan Red Crescent, and is ready to deploy to support operations on-site.

Together with Caritas Italiana and UNICEF and with the support of RAI it was possible to create another charity fund raiser by sending an SMS to the number 45525 from your cell phone or by calling the same number from your landline:

  • Donate 2 euros to the charity by sending an SMS to 45525 from the following phone providers WINDTRE, TIM, Vodafone, Iliad, PosteMobile, Coop Voce, Tiscali;
  • Donate 5 or 10 euros to the charity by calling 45525 from a landline with the following phone providers TIM, Vodafone, WINDTRE, Fastweb and Tiscali or only 5 euro if your landline phone provider is TWT, Convergenze or PosteMobile.

These three humanitarian organizations have been active in the North African country for a long time and they decided to join forces on this occasion to strengthen aid to the population, especially to families and children, supporting them in the medium and long term until living conditions are fully restored.