Green light to qualifying academic degrees

The Senate approved the decree law on qualifying academic degrees. The vote of Palazzo Madama provides for the simplification of the procedures for accessing the professions, making the final degree exam coincide with the state exam. A decision that makes it quicker for recent graduates to enter the workplace. 

A path that completes what has already been started with the medicine degree, regarding the health professions of dentist, pharmacist, veterinarian and psychologist (for which ad hoc provisions are foreseen), and recognizes the enabling value to the technical professional degrees for the exercise of the professions of surveyor, agricultural technician, agricultural expert and industrial expert. In addition, even the master’s degrees in physical chemistry and biology respectively enable the exercise of the professions of chemist, physicist and biological.

The text also regulates the adaptation of the related study courses and it is envisaged that further degrees for which a postgraduate internship is not foreseen to be carried out with simple regulations and no longer with laws. However, professions such as lawyer, notary, accountant, statutory auditor for which this internship is envisaged are excluded.

The provision, linked to the 2021 Budget Law, was approved in the text already dismissed by the Chamber in June. As stated by the rapporteur of the provision, Mario Pittoni, this is an “organic intervention with which the measure initiated with article 102 of the Italian care decree is extended to other professional fields” which allowed “to provide an immediate response to the need for address the critical conditions of the National Health Service following the pandemic emergency “. 

The certified passing of the practical-evaluation internship within the new courses of study will be the prerequisite for accessing the final degree exam, with which the academic degree and qualifying degree will be obtained, after passing a practice test.

“The unanimous approval in the Senate of the law on qualifying academic degrees is a sign that attention to young people is really returning to the fore in the country”. This was stated by the Minister of University and Research, Maria Cristina Messa. “With this rule – Messa emphasizes – we allow our students to access the world of work immediately, without waiting for years of internship and the state exam to be able to start, we connect them with professionals already during the degree course and we give even more value to their time and their studies “.