UniCaMeetings Events


Conoscere e Curare il Cuore rappresenta l’appuntamento annuale che il Centro per la Lotta contro l’Infarto – Fondazione Onlus dedica alla cardiologia italiana.
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Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus - Salute Digitale ed Innovazione in Medicina: rivoluzionare la cura del paziente | 15th December 2023
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Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus - MEDICINA E SCIENZA DELLO SPORT | 12th December 2023
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Congresso Nazionale - President Ermanno Greco| 30th November and 1st December 2023
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Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus - Medicina e astronauti: esplorare la salute nello spazio|24th November 2023
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UniCamillus POP Choir. First rehearsal: 14th November at 6pm - Room APT1 in main building, UniCamillus Via di Sant'Alessandro 8 - Rome.
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Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus: Il Futuro della Medicina | 7th November 2023
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Chirurgia dei terzi molari, Estetica dentale e faccette no-prep | 29 September 2023
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Open Day 2023 MSc Human Nutrition Sciences | 12th September 2023
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On Friday 27th October 2023, UniCamillus University will host its Recruitment Day, an event dedicated to UniCamillus students and graduates. Attendees will have the opportunity to directly interact with companies in the healthcare sector, learn about available career opportunities, and start laying the foundations for their professional future.
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