Call of UniCamillus - Archive 2022

CALLS 2022

> Calls for application for type A and type B Researcher

Deadline: 17/11/2022 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 261/2022 published on the Official Gazette No. 83 of 18/10/2022 – SC 06/M1 General and Applied Hygiene and Medical Statistics, SSD: MED/45 General, Clinical and Pediatric Nursing Sciences

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


Deadline: 11/08/2022 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 179/2022 published on the Official Gazette No. 55 of 12/07/2022 – SC 05/G1 Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, SSD: BIO/14 Pharmacology

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


Deadline: 17/07/2022 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 155/2022 published on the Official Gazette No. 48 of 17/06/2022 – SC 05/H1 Human Anatomy, SSD BIO/16 Human Anatomy

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


Deadline: 17/07/2022 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter b), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 156/2022 published on the Official Gazette No. 48 of 17/06/2022 – SC 05/E2 Molecular Biology, SSD BIO/11 Molecular Biology

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


Deadline: 14/07/2022 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 147/2022 published on the Official Gazette No. 47 of 14/06/2022 – SC 06/F1 Odontostomatologic diseases, SSD MED/28 Odontostomatologic diseases

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


Deadline: 26/05/2022 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 89/2022 published on the Official Gazette No. 33 of 26/04/2022 – SC 06/F2 Visual apparatus diseases, SSD MED/30 Visual apparatus diseases

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


Deadline: 24/02/2022 –A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 257/2021 published on the Official Gazette No. 7 of 25/01/2022 – SC 06/F1 Odontostomatologic diseases – SSD MED/28 – Odontostomatologic diseases

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


> Post Graduate Scholarship

Deadline: 11/07/2022 – Evaluation procedure for 1 post graduate scholarship
Title of the research program: Evaluation of reproductive function in women suffering from PCOS with insulin resistance undergoing ART

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


> Calls for application for Research grant

Deadline: 28/08/2022 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field 06/M1 General and Applied Hygiene and Medical Statistics – Scientific Disciplinary Area: MED/01 Medical Statistics

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 221 of 02/08/2022, published on the website

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.