UniCamillus with Spallanzani

Fundraising for the research on Covid-19

Research is at the heart of UniCamillus. At a time like this, it is even more necessary to help those who work every day to get out of this global health emergency as soon as possible.

UniCamillus has chosen to promote the fundraising organized by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases “Lazzaro Spallanzani”, absolute excellence in the Italian healthcare landscape in the fight against infectious diseases, for research on Covid-19.

Together we support Spallanzani Hospital in the fight against Covid-19.

Many of our Professors and Researchers come from INMI and it is even more important for us, as well as a source of great pride, to support them in such a delicate period.

Everyone can make a contribution and show their gratitude to those who are constantly on the front line for the good of all.
Let’s make a difference together!

⇒ Go to the official fundraising  page