UniCamillus is supporting the Italian Red Cross fundraising campaign to help the population of Emilia Romagna affected by the floods

We invite the entire University community to support the Italian Red Cross fundraising campaign: every contribution can make a difference!

The UniCamillus University supports the fundraising campaign of the Italian Red Cross to respond to the emergency created following the floods that are affecting Emilia Romagna.

Faced with the calamity that has struck thousands of people, we have a duty not to remain indifferent.
We therefore invite the whole UniCamillus Community to support this fundraising campaign for the emergency: every contribution can make a difference!

You can donate through:

  • A credit transfer to “Italian Red Cross Association ODV”
    Bank: Unicredit SPA
    IBAN: IT93H0200803284000105889169
    Reason for payment: ALLUVIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA
  • Donation through the dedicated page of the Italian Red Cross