Nobel Prize in Medicine 2020 for identifying the hepatitis C virus

The Nobel Prize in Medicine 2020 was awarded to virologists Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice, who discovered HCV (the hepatitis C virus) in 1989.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, this virus, which leads to cirrhosis and liver cancer, infects about 70 million people every year, causing 400 million deaths worldwide. Hepatitis C is also one of the most common causes of liver transplants.

Thanks to the discovery of the 3 scientists, highly sensitive blood tests are now available through which post-transfusion hepatitis has been practically eliminated in many parts of the world, resulting in a significant improvement in global health. Advances in the field have also allowed the development of antiviral drugs directed at hepatitis C that can finally be cured. The foundations were then laid for a definitive disappearance of the hepatitis C virus from the world population.

“In this dramatic moment it is an important message for the entire scientific community”, underlines the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.