Internationality, humanitarian mission and inclusive medicine at UniCamillus Open Day

A large number of students, coming mainly from scientific and linguistic high schools, participated on 11 January in the Open Day organized by UniCamillus, the International Medical University of Rome which operates in a spirit of service, not power, as the speakers pointed out who opened the works in the Aula Magna where the University’s educational offer was presented. A success, therefore, for the second year in which the University opened its doors to high school students to better direct them in choosing their future academic path.

Some of the boys and girls present were interviewed during the morning, most of whom said they wanted to enroll in the Degree Courses in Medicine and Surgery, Physiotherapy and Obstetrics which were more popular than Medical Radiology Techniques, for Images and Radiotherapy and Biomedical Laboratory Techniques. Elisabetta, an 18-year-old student attending the last year of scientific high school at the Collegio San Giuseppe De Merode, said she was fascinated by the “availability of university staff and the excellent organization of the degree courses”. On the other hand, Beatrice, from the Pablo Neruda Study Center, an aspiring midwife, immediately loved “the international and human spirit that transmits UniCamillus”.

In fact, UniCamillus differs from other Italian universities in that it prepares in a modern way to experience medicine internationally. In particular, it is a University that, offering almost all degree courses entirely in English, immediately prepares the student to interface with patients from other countries who are also always placed at the first place in the whole process of medical care.

During the day, the scholarships made available by the University and the possibility of enrolling in the intensive admission test preparation course to be held for UniCamillus on 1 February were also illustrated to the boys and girls. They concerned multiple simulations of laboratory activities in Physiotherapy, Nursing and Obstetrics and visited the “Baby Pit Stop”, a project which, in collaboration with UNICEF Italia, aims to create an environment thanks to which new mothers can breastfeed and care for their baby without problems. This is a very important initiative because it increases awareness of breastfeeding, a simple and natural gesture that all mothers should be able to do anywhere, even in a university work environment.