Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Sociale nella scienza della salute (International Center for Social Research in Health Science)

CIRS – Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Sociale nella scienza della salute (International Center for Social Research in Health Science).

CIRS was established by Rectoral Decree no. 96 (in Italian) of October 20, 2020.

Let’s talk about CIRS

CIRS interacts like a sort of  “sensor” in the world of health care with administrations, associations, and associations, companies, perceiving their motivations, interests and all the other useful  elements. 
CIRS contains within itself the vocation to become a center that deals institutionally with the constant monitoring of all issues, including intersectional ones.
CIRS wants to be a link among  business and university, and all the bodies of cooperation and solidarity.
CIRS believes that relations with francophone countries are essential. While English is the language of the academic world, French language has played and continues to play an important role in the academic world. Moreover the French language continues to play a role of decisive importance in many countries and in many institutional, strategic and technological contexts as well.
The main objectives of CIRS
The main objectives of CIRS are:- the drafting of an annual report illustrating the state of the art of social research in the health sector in Italy and in the EU. 
The report will be realized through the contribution of relevant personalities belonging to different academic and professional fields; – the establishment of a permanent observatory on social problems related to health sciences in the field of public health and health investments; – the realization of cognitive analysis on Italian and European health issues; – the promotion of study days and meetings aimed at developing and deepening the most innovative issues in the field of sociology of health; – the development of activities aimed at increasing and fostering relations with study institutions and people belonging to the Francophonie; – the development of activities in the field of social health based on the values of solidarity, international cooperation, transmission of culture. 


The following volumes edited by CIRS director, Ugo Giorgio Pacifici Noja, were published for tipi di TAB:

Elementi di Sociologia per studenti di discipline sanitarie*** (Tab, 2020)

Lessico di Sociologia Sanitaria, Tab, 2021

Uno sguardo sul CIRS, Tab, 2021


*** This volume was published as part of teaching activities implemented at UniCamillus (English edition also available).

For tipi di TAB, “Le fondazioni sanitarie” and the First CIRS Report on Italian Healthcare state of the art will be published in September. The Report will include contributions by representatives of Italian and international academia and other various professional sectors.